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Arboreal Tarantulas

Arboreal Tarantulas, unlike Terrestrials make their home above the floor in between trees, they rarely if ever come down. 


Housing is really pretty simple, aslong as the enclosure is large enough for them to move around in, have some sticks/branches to web up, something like the exoterra small tall is perfect, just remember to replace the mesh lid with clear Perspex to make sure your fuzzy little friend doesn't get his feet stuck. 


Tarantulas live on a diet of insects such as locusts, crickets, roaches and mealworms.

When feeding it's always recommended to feed prey that is roughly two thirds the size of the tarantula, if you cant find the appropriate sized prey item, larger food is fine providing it is pre-killed to avoid causing any harm to your Tarantula. 


Slings should be fed every 3-5 days. 

Sub adults should be fed every 7-10 days. 

Adults should be fed every 10-14 days. 


Its important to note that most species of Tarantula will stop feeding once they hit pre-moult so as long as their abdomen is plump there is no need to worry. 

It should also be noted that it is not uncommon for tarantulas to go through long periods of fasting, especially once they are mature, this is completely normal. And again, as long as they appear healthy this shouldn't be a concern.A


When it comes to handling there are arguments for and against, generally we recommend that unless it is necessary (or you have a particularly awkward Tarantula that likes to run on to your hand the second you open up the enclosure) to just admire them from afar. 

However if you do decide to handle your Tarantula there are a few simple things to remember, always make sure your T is in a good mood, use something soft like a clean makeup brush or paint brush to gently nudge their abdomen, as long as they don't turn round and attempt to bite it, or flick hairs, you should be safe. 

When you get them out make sure you're close to the ground and over something soft like a pillow, or alike, should the worst happen and the T should fall or jump off, there's a short, soft landing to reduce any damage to the abdomen. 

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