Welcome to
Our main mission is to help people see the beauty in the unusual, our love for these fascinating creatures is the drive behind this whole project.
We are here to help satisfy your invert addiction while also making sure all the information is easily available to ensure each and every animal that leaves us is cared for in the best way possible, so it can thrive!
Invertebrate Breeding

Our main focus is currently on tarantulas, we still have some Tliltocatl albopilosus (Curly Hair) slings available and have recently bred our pair of Brachypelma hamorii (Mexican Red Knee) and are awaiting an egg sac. We have a few other species of new world tarantulas and are looking to breed them in the near future.
ForbiddenForests is also home to some Achatina fulica (Giant African Land Snails) which are periodically available.

“There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved”
George Sand
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